Algebra 2B

Course Description

This course includes the study of properties and operations of the real number system; evaluating rational algebraic expressions; solving graphing first- degree equations and inequalities; translating word problems into equations; operations with and factoring of polynomials; and solving simple quadratic equations. Our units are written based on the Idaho State Standards and are organized according to the suggested course guidelines.

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Learn this: I will learn about the growth of both exponential and logarithmic functions and how to solve equations using their inverse relationship.

Do this: I will create a project that demonstrates what I have learned and includes this information:

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.

Transformations of Functions

Learn this:  I will learn to transform functions using translations, reflections, scale factors, and by combining multiple functions using different representations.

Do this: I will create a project that demonstrates what I have learned and includes this information:

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.

Trigonometric Functions

Learn this: I will use my previous work with functions, trigonometric ratios and circles in Geometry to model periodic scenarios using the coordinate plane. 

Do this: I will create a project that demonstrates what I have learned and includes this information:

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.

Statistical Inferences

Learn this: I will learn how the visual displays and summary statistics I learned in earlier grades relate to different types of data and to probability distributions

Do this: I will create a project that demonstrates what I have learned and includes this information:

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.