Attendance Guidelines

Attendance will be tracked for State and Federal reporting. SROHS monitors and reports student Average Daily Attendance (ADA) based upon students being considered “Active”. Students are considered “Active” when they adhere to the following Attendance Guidelines:

Please note: If the student has not been considered “Active” for the first ten (10) consecutive days of their enrollment OR the student has never completed the enrollment process OR they do not complete Student Success Course, they will be removed from the school’s student roster.

All students who are not considered “Active” will be entered into the MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) process and may have limited supplemental learning tools (personal budget). Students who entered SROHS through an open enrollment application who are not considered “Active” may be removed from SROHS enrollment and the students Local Education Authority will be notified.

Special education students not attending specialized instruction or related services as defined on  the IEP, will not be considered “active” and will follow the guidelines for not being considered “Active”. For Special Education and 504 students after the third “unexcused absence” from specialized instruction appointments during the year, the team will convene to determine best educational options.