Natural Disasters

Course Description

This course provides a comprehensive overview of natural disasters, focusing on four key categories: plate tectonic natural disasters, meteorological natural disasters, biological natural disasters, and the role of technology in disaster management. Students will explore the mechanisms behind earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis, examine the impacts of severe weather events like hurricanes and floods, and investigate the threats posed by biological disasters such as pandemics and infestations. Additionally, the course will highlight how technology aids in disaster prediction, response, and recovery, emphasizing its importance in mitigating the effects of these events. Overall, students will gain a deeper understanding of the causes, impacts, and management strategies associated with natural disasters.

The Earth, Moon, and Sun

Learn this: I will learn about Earth’s rotation, revolution, and magnetic field, the layers of the sun, solar energy and phenomena, the features and phases of the Moon, tides, and eclipses.

Do this: I will create a project that demonstrates that I know how to:

Grow from: After I get feedback, I'll make my project even better to show what I've learned.

Celestial Bodies 

Learn this: I will learn about the formation of the planets in our solar system, their unique characteristics, space missions that helped us learn about them, and smaller celestial bodies like asteroids, meteoroids, and comets.

Do this: I will create a project that demonstrates what I have learned and includes this information:

Grow from: After I get feedback, I'll make my project even better to show what I've learned.


Learn this: I will learn about where and how stars are created, different types of stars,  factors that influence their life cycle, blackholes, constellations, and how to read an H-R diagram.

Do this: I will create a project that demonstrates that I know how to:

Grow from: After I get feedback, I'll make my project even better to show what I've learned.

Galaxies and Beyond 

Learn this: I will learn about different types of galaxies, how they are formed, the Big Bang Theory, Hubble’s law, cosmic microwave background radiation, galaxy mergers and superclusters.

Do this: I will create a project that demonstrates that I know how to:

Grow from: After I get feedback, I'll make my project even better to show what I've learned.