Available SROHS Mastery-Based Courses
Course Options by Content
To ensure our students are college and workforce ready, SROHS has developed frameworks for learning for each mastery-based course. These are not meant to be checklists, but broad frameworks to guide student learning.
To view course description and user-friendly framework of each course, click below:
Business English
Dual Credit Writing and Rhetoric II (ENG 102)
Dual Credit Literature and Ideas (ENG 175)
Dual Credit Speech (Comm 101)
Coming in 25/26- Foundational Geometry A
Coming in 25/26- Foundational Geometry B
Dual Credit Math in Modern Society (Math 123)
Dual Credit College Algebra (Math 143)
Dual Credit Trigonometry (Math 144)
Dual Credit Statistics (Math 153)
Dual Credit Calculus (Math 170)
Biology A (lab)
Biology B (lab)
Chemistry A (lab)
Chemistry B (lab)
Food Science (lab)
Coming in 25/26 Forensics (lab)
Natural Disasters
Outdoor Science A (lab, October 28: 5 day wkshp)
Physics A
Physics B
Dual Credit Biology A & B (BIO 100 and BIO 105)
Coming in 25/26 Dual Credit Biology 201 for Medical and Science Majors (lab)
Coming in 25/26 Dual Credit Forensics (lab)
Dual Credit Health Occupations (ALLH 100)
Dual Credit Medical Terminology (ALLH 101)
Social Studies
Dual Credit American Government (POLS 101)
Dual Credit American Government (POLS 102)
Dual Credit Macro Economics (ECON)
Dual Credit US History (HIST 111)
Dual Credit US History (HIST 112)
Personal Finance
Coming in 25/26 Dual Credit Wellness 102
Dual Credit Speech (Comm 101)
Career & Technical Education (Electives)
Art: Interdisciplinary Humanities
Current Events (Synchronous Mtg Weekly)
History Through Film
Intro to Psychology
Intro to Anthropology
Music- Interdisciplinary Humanities
Creative Digital Media and Yearbook
Current Events
Coming in 25/26 Digital Literacy
Elevate Your Abilities
Lifetime Sports
Freshman Passion Exploration
Sophomore Passion Exploration
Junior Passion Exploration
Student Council
$75 per class
Variety of courses
Cohort courses
Due dates
Letter grade based on percentage
Progress reports
IDLA teacher
Flex Courses
Final completion date
Letter grade based on percentage
Progress reports
IDLA teacher