World History A

Course Description

Students in World History explain the rise of human civilization, trace how natural resources and technological advances have shaped human civilization, build an understanding of the cultural and social development of human civilization, and identify the role of religion in the development of human civilization. 

Ancient History

Learn this: I will learn about ancient civilizations beginning with their development and height of civilization achievement.

Do this: I will create a project that shows that I know: 

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.

Modern History

Learn this: I will learn about modern civilizations beginning with their development and height of civilization achievement.

Do this: I will create a project that shows that I know: 

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.

Global Perspectives

Learn this: I will learn about multiple perspectives and global interdependence.

Do this: I will create a project that shows that I know: 


Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.


Learn this: I will learn about the role that geographical features play in the development of civilizations. 

Do this: I will create a project that shows that I know: 

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.