English 2 A

Course Description

To become ready for Next Steps after high school, students must learn about and practice reading and writing. In this course, students will develop their research skills and develop critical thinking skills by evaluating the logical arguments and claims made in a text. Students will continue to focus on word choice, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension in a variety of fiction and non-fiction text. Our units are written based on the Idaho State Standards and are organized according to the suggested course guidelines.

Inquiry Process

Learn this: I will learn how to gather information and present my findings in a format of my choice.

Do this: I will create a project that shows that I know how to: 

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.

Word Building

Learn this: I will learn how words and phrases provide meaning or a nuance to the meaning of the text.

Do this: I will create a project that shows that I know how to: 

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.

Literature and Nonfiction Text

Learn this: I will learn to analyze text and pay attention to details.

Do this: I will create a project that shows that I know how to: 

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.

Deep Reading to Build Knowledge

Learn this: I will learn to read and comprehend literary and informational texts.

Do this: I will create a project that shows that I know how to: 

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.