
Course Description

Discover a comprehensive Speech course centered on Research, guiding participants to become adept communicators and skilled presenters. Craft tailored oral presentations, adapting to diverse audiences through verbal and stylistic choices. Elevate your delivery with visual aids, strategic use of digital media, and dynamic presentation techniques. Choose from Leadership, Citizenship/Civic Responsibility, or Digital Literacy paths to not only refine speaking skills, but also to foster character and competence. Unlock the power to captivate, inform, and inspire through our transformative Speech course.

Communication Skill

Learn this: I will learn how to report orally on a topic or text.

Do this: I will create an audio or video presentation that shows that I know how to: 

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.


Learn this: I will organize formal oral communication taking into consideration task and audience.

Do this: I will create a project that shows that I know how to: 

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.

Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas

Learn this: I will be able to integrate visual and presentation skills of data to express information and enhance understanding.

Do this: I will create a presentation that supports a speech for Topic 1: Communication Skill or Topic 4:  Competency and Character Development.

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.

Competency and Character Development

Learn this: I will choose one of the Competency and Character Development topics to research and then create a speech.

Do this: I will create a speech that shows that I know about one of these topics: 

Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.