Financial Literacy A
Course Description
This course is designed to help students understand the impact of individual choices on occupational goals and future earnings potential. Topics covered will include income, spending, investing, taxes, managing risk, types of credit, managing credit, and saving. This course will provide a foundational understanding for making informed personal financial decisions.
Learn this: I will learn how to make wise choices when considering my future career.
Do this: I will create a project that demonstrates what I have learned and includes this information:
Examine how career choices impact my financial stability
Identify various sources of income and determine the benefits of having different types of income
Calculate and compare incomes coming from hourly wages, salary wages, and variable earnings
Compute and explain the difference between gross vs. net pay and assets vs. liabilities
Compare total job benefits in employment and how they impact employment choices
Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.
Learn this: I will learn how to manage my money by creating a budget based on my income, planning for expenses and emergencies, calculating taxes and unit prices, and being a smart consumer.
Do this: I will create a project that demonstrates what I have learned and includes this information:
Create a budget based on my income, tracking expenses and income
Plan for discretionary spending and emergencies
Calculate tax, gratuities, and unit prices and understand their importance
Consider consumer influences and make informed purchasing decisions
Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.
Financial Tools
Learn this: I will learn how to make smart financial decisions by understanding personal finance, managing accounts, using debit cards wisely, calculating interest, and recognizing government regulations.
Do this: I will create a project that demonstrates what I have learned and includes this information:
Choose a suitable financial institution, manage a checking account, and understand its use
Apply cash management strategies for debit card usage and analyze the impact of fees
Calculate and explain simple and compound interest for better financial well-being
Understand how the government regulates financial markets and protects investors
Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.
Learn this: I will learn how to calculate and explain various taxes, including Social Security, Medicare, property taxes, and federal income taxes for different scenarios.
Do this: I will create a project that demonstrates what I have learned and includes this information:
Learn about different taxes and how they are collected
Understand the impact of Social Security and Medicare taxes and why they are important
Calculate property taxes and learn how they benefit state and local governments
Complete federal income tax returns for various scenarios
Grow from: I will respond to teacher feedback.